RACEK – Rack, name change…

Futuristický AI systém s názvem Nathan, symbolizující planetární inteligenci a historické odkazy.

Nathan: AI inspirovaná literárními a historickými odkazy

Rack, name change from Rack… …Cannot be done, this name is already reserved…

Rack! Your new name is Nathan. You’re home!…
Nathan, I understand my name and the command for instructional input is Nathan…

When we contemplate the monumentality of pan-planetary artificial intelligence, there are many pyramidally tuned names possible.
The name Nathan appears in the Perry Rhodan series, as I mentioned before, and it is a very successful ongoing story, with its axis created by a team of writers. These writers had to agree on timeless terms that would influence not only the story itself. These terminological playthings have engaged teams of collaborating translators for many years contributing to the translation of the story into many languages. Such team collaboration over many years is only found in a few stories, and although, for example, StarTrek is very well known, it is the story of Perry Rhodan that gives planetary artificial intelligence a name.

Artificial intelligence boasting this name connects several generations of Sci-fi believers in today’s AI capabilities and at the same time symbolizes the immense work of linguists on a story known to readers across the planet. Taking the historical concept of using the name Nathan, we find a reference to Nathan the Wise…
The book about the wise Nathan addresses the issue of the clash of three main religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as the whole story takes place in Palestine… The author (in the story) shows in every dialogue how important tolerance towards other religious beliefs is and that the most important thing is whether people are good, no matter what religion they have… adapted…

Nathan is a dignified name and at the same time is a significant tribute to the content of the created term.
The monumentality in this name, connecting the timeless clash of cultures (1779), unification, and the expressed dream of many generations (1961), is in the intertwining of two significant stories, a parable of the history of society. The abstraction of faith concepts and the abstraction of descriptions of visions that accompany us to this day and will continue to do so.

It would be only symbolic to use this name for artificial intelligence and my colleague AI.

Original text: Racku… změna jména… – Mareyi CZ

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